It is such a wonderful time of the year. On Cape Cod the trees have finally leafed out and the world is exploding in green. The air is alive with birdsong and spring peepers… definitely a time for new beginnings!

Here at ArgoFilms, we have shed our cold weather gear and are moving onto the next phase of The Story of Dao. After a season of writing and wrestling with images, at last we have a video promo and proposal. It’s been a wonderful process – a labor of love made possible by an incredible flock of angels who have helped fund the project thus far.
With the initial phase of research and development complete, we are now ready to embark on Phase 2. We have begun seeking pre-production funding and hope to have this in place by mid-July.
Having written the first draft of the screenplay, I am more convinced than ever that this film will make a tremendous difference in the lives of elephants like Pang Dao. The film has been written to reach an audience of all ages, on every corner of the earth. Dao’s story carries a universal message about tolerance and respect – not just for elephants, but for every living creature.
For anyone who would like to support The Story of Dao, the yellow donate button makes it easy :-). Thanks so much -- and happy spring!